Standard|Filter Vial
Standard For Most Samples
Applications for Standard Filter Vials include filtration of catalysts from organic and medicinal chemistry synthesis reactions, saccharide analysis in corn syrup, and in-vial protein precipitation

Standard Filter Vial
For the Majority of Samples
samples containing < 10% particulates
Thomson Standard Filter Vials can be used for samples containing less than 10% solid particulates. The filter vial consists of two parts: a filter vial shell and a plunger which includes a single layer filter on one end and a vial cap on the other end.
Applications for Standard Filter Vials include filtration of catalysts from organic and medicinal chemistry synthesis reactions, saccharide analysis in corn syrup, and in-vial protein precipitation.

Standard|Filter Vial Specifications
Key Features
Eliminate Syringe Filter, Syringe, HPLC Vial, HPLC Cap
ECO Friendly
Simple to Use
Easy to Press Down
Prevents Costly Repairs & Service Issues

Visit Other Variants of Filter Vial
Works on Standard Autosamplers
same size as standard HPLC vials
Thomson Filter Vials are the same size as standard HPLC vials and will fit easily into any machine or tray available for standard HPLC vials.

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