
Quick Fermentation Sample Prep


Quick Fermentation Sample Prep for Analysis by HPLC with eXtreme|FV®

Product Used

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Quick Fermentation Sample prep with the eXtreme Filter vial VS syringe filters: wasted time and sample loss

"For my plant, the vials are everything that I am looking for as a lab manager: consistent, accurate, easy to use, simplify prep time, lessen inventory, and are cost effective!"
Cole - Carbon Green Bioenergy

"...I have seen much less down time with my machine since switching to your extreme filter vials. I am very impressed with the results and will not be switching back to syringe filters."
-Ethanol plant lab manager

Key Features

  • 2 minutes from collection to HPLC
  • Less Time Filtering = Less Evaporation
  • Reduce enzyme use because of more accurate readings
  • Eliminate multiple syringe filters, syringe, HPLC cap & vial

New Method = eXtreme|FV® with Multi-Layered Filtration Technology

Ethanol application note TIC

New Method (Filter Vials)

0-10 Hour11+ Hour
Filter Vial11
HPLC Vial00
HPLC Cap00
Labor (time)2 minutes2 minutes
Gravity Filtration Time (evaporation of sample)1 minute1 minute

Old Method = Labor Waste, Sample Evaporation & Unwanted Consumables

Ethanol application note SF

Old Method (syringe filters)

0-10 Hour11+ Hour
Syringe Filterup to 31
HPLC Vial11
HPLC Cap11
Labor (time)10 minutes10 minutes
Gravity Filtration Time (evaporation of sample)8+ minute8 minute



Thomson Instrument Company is not affiliated with Carbongreen Bioenergy, ICM, Shimadzu or their products. Carbon Green Bioenergy® Ethanol Plant in Grand Rapids, MI an ICM® Production Facility