
Cultivation of Sf9 insect cells in Thomson Optimum Growth® flasks using ESF AdvanCD™ cell culture medium for production of SEAP and AAV


This document is about the cultivation of Sf9 insect cells using ESF AdvanCD™ cell culture medium and Thomson Optimum Growth® flasks for the production of SEAP and AAV.

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Cultivation of Sf9 insect cells in Thomson Optimum Growth® flasks using ESF AdvanCD™ cell culture medium for production of SEAP and AAV

Scott Walker1, Hannah Collier1, Brooks Hayes1, Samuel Ellis2, Thera Mulvania1
1 Expression Systems, an Advancion Company, Davis, CA USA
2 Thomson Instrument Company, Oceanside, CA USA

This document is about the cultivation of Sf9 insect cells using ESF AdvanCD™ cell culture medium and Thomson Optimum Growth® flasks for the production of SEAP and AAV.

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