
Improved DNA Protocol for *E.coli* with Plasmid+® Media


Plasmid+® liquid media is an enriched media specifically designed for plasmid DNA production. Plasmid+® supports much higher cell densities and plasmid yields than LB media. Optimal shake flask yields are achieved using Ultra Yield™ Flasks (Thomson Instrument Company), which facilitates maximum culture aeration. PLASMID+® media may also be u...

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Improved DNA Protocol for *E.coli* with Plasmid+® Media

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Plasmid+® liquid media is an enriched media specifically designed for plasmid DNA production. Plasmid+® supports much higher cell densities and plasmid yields than LB media. Optimal shake flask yields are achieved using Ultra Yield™ Flasks (Thomson Instrument Company), which facilitates maximum culture aeration. PLASMID+® media may also be used in a bioreactor with continuous aeration and agitation.

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