
Overexpression and purification of Dicer and accessory proteins for biochemical and structural studies


The Dicer family of ribonucleases plays a key role in small RNA-based regulatory pathways by generating short dsRNA fragments that modulate expression of endogenous genes, or protect the host from invasive nucleic acids. Beginning with its initial discovery, biochemical characterization of Dicer has provided insight about its catalytic properties....

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24-Well Filter Plate | ~9mL

24-Well Filter Plate | ~9mL

Square Well, Long Drip | 0.2µm Rapid Clear® Filter


24-Well Filter Plate | 10.8mL

24-Well Filter Plate | 10.8mL

Square Well, Long Drip | 25µm Polypropylene Filter


24-Well Plate | 10.4mL

24-Well Plate | 10.4mL

Square Well, Round Bottom | Individually Wrapped | Sterile


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Overexpression and purification of Dicer and accessory proteins for biochemical and structural studies

Niladri K. Sinha_ and Brenda L. Bass_
Department of Biochemistry, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT 84112, USA

The Dicer family of ribonucleases plays a key role in small RNA-based regulatory pathways by generating short dsRNA fragments that modulate expression of endogenous genes, or protect the host from invasive nucleic acids. Beginning with its initial discovery, biochemical characterization of Dicer has provided insight about its catalytic properties. However, a comprehensive understanding of how Dicer's domains contribute to substrate-specific recognition and catalysis is lacking. One reason for this void is the lack of high-resolution structural information for a metazoan Dicer in the apo- or substrate-bound state. Both biochemical and structural studies are facilitated by large amounts of highly purified, active protein, and Dicer enzymes have historically been recalcitrant to overexpression and purification. Here we describe optimized procedures for the large-scale expression of Dicer in baculovirus-infected insect cells. We then outline a three-step protocol for the purification of large amounts (3-4 mg of Dicer per liter of insect cell culture) of highly purified and active Dicer protein, suitable for biochemical and structural studies. Our methods are general and are extended to enable overexpression, purification and biochemical characterization of accessory dsRNA binding proteins that interact with Dicer and modulate its catalytic activity.

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