
Improved Sample Clean-up Options For Contaminant Analysis For Juices And Water By GC/MS And LC/MS


The most critical aspects of reliable food contamination analysis are the reduction of interferences from the sample matrix and analyte recovery. Traditionally, SPE, SLE, Liquid-Liquid, syringe filtration, and centrifugation have been used to reduce matrix interference prior to MS analysis. However, these techniques are time consuming, adversely i...

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48 Position for Autosampler Ready Filter Vials


Improved Sample Clean-up Options For Contaminant Analysis For Juices And Water By GC/MS And LC/MS

Poster presented at IUPAC 2014
Lisa Wanders, Sam Ellis, Joe Machamer-Thomson Instrument Company, Oceanside, CA

The most critical aspects of reliable food contamination analysis are the reduction of interferences from the sample matrix and analyte recovery. Traditionally, SPE, SLE, Liquid-Liquid, syringe filtration, and centrifugation have been used to reduce matrix interference prior to MS analysis. However, these techniques are time consuming, adversely impact recovery, require expensive consumables, and use large amounts of solvent (which then need to be concentrated). Several studies were undertaken to investigate different designs of filter vials to improve sample clean-up methods in orange juice, apple juice, grape juice, vegetable juice and water. Thomson eXtreme® Filter Vials (patented) offer multi-layer filtration for viscous samples and samples containing up to 30% solid particulates. The filter vial consists of two parts: a filter vial shell and a plunger, which includes the multi-layer filter on one end and a vial cap on the other end. Samples are filtered by pipetting the sample into the filter vial shell, inserting the plunger into the shell, and then pushing the plunger into the shell. The filtration process from sample pipetting to autosampler ready only requires 15 seconds. Benefits to the use of Thomson eXtreme® Filter Vials include lower cost, faster sample preparation time, less use and disposal of organic solvents, and in some instances improved recoveries. Thomson eXtractor3D|FV® (patented) offer filtration with increased volume, enabling multiple extraction techniques with different resins/sorbents or solids/large particulates (greater than 35%) to autosampler ready vials. eXtractor3D|FV® is a product uniquely designed for the addition of resins/sorbents, QuEChERS dispersive salts, pills, or special resins in the standard autosampler ready vial. The filter vial consists of two parts: a filter vial shell and a plunger which includes a multi-layer filter on one end and a screw cap on the other end. Large solids/large particulates can be placed within the eXtractor3D|FV® where multiple extraction techniques occur. Prior to the introduction of the eXtractor3D|FV®, samples required multiple steps using SPE, or other methods to remove interfering analytes and co-eluting compounds. SPE or QuEChERS can now be completed with multi-depth filtration without risk of solids compromising the autosampler. Pills and other large solids can be broken down for complete testing using the eXtractor3D|FV®. The eXtractor3D|FV® allows for compounds to be separated from the matrix with the addition of resins/sorbents, resulting in both a higher signal to noise ratio and peaks that are more differentiated.

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